Begun in 2010, the creation of the half-acre LANPS garden was inspired by the many mature Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) found on the property. Accordingly, a large portion of the garden is an example of “best practices” for gardening in the understory of these magnificent trees, which have a very specific set of cultural requirements.
For example, without exception, the plants in these areas of the garden are to be found growing in the dappled shade of Coast Live Oaks in the wild and require little to no summer irrigation. The “un-oaked” southwestern exposures of the garden borrow from the plant communities of other local habitats such as chaparral, coastal sage scrub and Southern Walnut Savannah.

A work in progress, the LANPS garden continues to grow as more and more of the property is replanted with Southern California native plants.
Aside from a few non-local (but California native) plants selected “just because,” all of the plants in the LANPS garden are native to the particular area of Los Angeles in which the garden is located. The use of cultivars is limited and substantial space is reserved for a wide variety of annuals. A few “legacy” non-native plants, such as wisteria, pine and olive, have been “grandfathered” in, but at present, the garden is about 95% California native plants.
As the garden has developed and matured, it has attracted a growing number of resident insect, reptile and bird species. When asked if we grow food in the LANPS garden (a question more frequent than you might imagine) we reply: “Yes. Food for insects and birds.” While we certainly enjoy and appreciate the beauty of California’s native plants on display in the LANPS garden, it really exists for the benefit of the resident Yellow-faced Bumblebees, Western Fence Lizards and Lesser Goldfinches, among others.
Virtual Garden Tour
In the Garden, Month by Month
January · February · March · April · May · June · July · August · September · October · November · December

Early blooming Golden Currant (Ribes aureum var. gracillimum)

Spotted Humboldt Lily shoot pushing up through oak duff after the first rain of the season (Lilium humboldtii. ssp. ocellatum)

Shiny, new “leaves of three” on poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum)

Fragrant Pitcher Sage (Lepechenia fragrans)

Reawakening California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum ssp. canum)

Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum), a member of the Mustard family

Miner’s Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)

Wildflower meadow: Arroyo Lupine (Lupinus succulentus)

California Four O’Clock (Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia)

Hoary Ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius) in full bloom. A true Southern California native Ceanothus.

Fiesta Flower (Pholistoma auritum)

Golden Currant (Ribes aureum var. gracillimum)

Redskin Onion (Allium haematochiton)

Longleaf Bush Lupine (Lupinus longifolius)

First California Poppies of spring (Eschscholzia californica)

Blue Dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum)

Bush Poppy (Dendromecon rigida)

Foothill Poppies (Eschscholzia caespitosa)

Tomcat Clover (Trifolium wildenovii)

Red Maids (Calandrinia ciliata)

Hairy Ceanothus (Ceanothus oliganthus), another true Southern California ceanothus

Raindrops on Longleaf Bush Lupine (Lupinus longifolius)

Arroyo Lupine petals after the rain (Lupinus succulentus)

Southern Bush Monkeyflower (Diplacus longiflorus)

Purple Owl’s Clover (Castilleja exserta), a hemiparasite that draws nutrients from surrounding plants

Wildflower Meadow: Tidy Tips (Layia platyglossa)

Fairy Lanterns (Calochortus albus)

Scarlet Bugler (Pentstemon centranthifolius)

California Bluebell (Phacelia minor)

Goldenstars (Bloomeria crocea)

Caterpillar Phacelia (Phacelia cicutaria)

Chia (Salvia columbariae)

Toluaca (Datura wrightii)

Blue Field Gilia (Gilia capitata)

Showy Penstemon (Penstemon spectabilis)

Fragrant Pitcher Sage (Lepechinia fragrans)

Prickly Phlox (Linanthus californicus)

Canyon Sunflower (Venegasia carpesioides)

Spotted Humboldt’s Lilies (Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum)

Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa)

Walnut seedlings (Juglans californica)

Chaparral Snapdragon (Antirrhinum multiflorum)

Spotted Humboldt’s Lily seedlings (Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum)

Wooly Blue Curls (Trichostema lanatum)

Cliff Aster (Malacothrix saxatilis)

Punch Bowl Godetia (Clarkia bottae)

Wildflower Meadow in Summer

Eastern Mojave Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum)

Climbing Pentstemon (Keckiella cordifolia)

Chaparral Mallow ‘Casitas’ (Malacothamnus fasciculatus ‘Casitas’)

Hollyleaf Redberry seedlings (Rhamnus illicifolia)

Caterpillar Phacelia (Phacelia cicutaria)

Blue Elderberry seedlings (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)

California Aster (Corethrogyne filaginafolia)

Longstem Buckwheat (Eriogonum elongatum)

Eastern Mojave Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolusum)

Acorns: Coast Live Oak (Quercus agricola)

California Fuchsia (Epliobium canum ssp. canum) and Coast Prickly Pear (Opuntia littoralis)

Coast Live Oak duff (Quercus agricola)

Menzies’ Goldenbush (Isocoma menziesii)

Planting Southern California Walnut seeds (Juglans californica) gathered in the fall

A single Southern California Walnut seed (Juglans californica)

Ripe Toyon Berries (Heteromeles arbutifolia)
Plants in the Garden – April 2022
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Acer macrophyllum* | Big Leaf Maple |
Acmispon glaber* | Deer Weed |
Acourtia microcephala* | Sacapellote |
Adenostema fasciculatum* | Chamise |
Adiantum capillus-veneris* | Southern Maidenhair Fern |
Allium haematochiton* | Wild Onion |
Amorpha californica* | California False Indigo |
Antirrhinum multiflorum* | Withered Snapdragon |
Aquilegia formosa* | Western Columbine |
Artemisa californica* | California Sagebrush |
Artemisia douglasiana* | Mugwort |
Baccharis salicifolia* | Mule Fat |
Berberis repens | Creeping Barbery |
Boykinia rotundifolia* | Round Leaf Boykinia |
Brickellia californica* | California Brickelbush |
Bloomeria crocea* | Golden Stars |
Calochortus albus* | Fairy Lanterns |
Calochorus catalinae | Catalina Mariposa Lily |
Calochortus clavatus v. gracilis * | Mariposa Lilly |
Calochortus plummerae* | Plummer’s Mariposa Lilly |
Calystegia macrostegia* | Pink Morning Glory |
Carex spissa* | San Diego Sedge |
Ceanothus crassifolius* | Hoary Leaf Ceanothus |
Ceanothus oliganthus* | Hairy Ceanothus |
Cercocarpes betuloides* | Mountain Mahogany |
Ceratophyllum demersum | Hornwort |
Chloragalum pomeridianum* | Soap Plant |
Corethrogyne filaginafolia* | California Aster |
Datura wrightii* | Sacred Datura |
Delphinium cardinale* | Scarlet Larkspur |
Delphinium parryi* | Parry’s Larkspur |
Dendromecon rigida* | Bush Poppy |
Deschampsia elongata | Slender Hairgrass |
Dichelostema capitatum* | Blue Dicks |
Diplacus longiflorus* | Southern Bush Monkeyflower |
Drymocalis glandulosa* | Sticky Cinquefoil |
Dryopteris arguta* | Coast Woodfern |
Dudleya cymosa* | Canyon Liveforever |
Dudleya lanceolata | Lance-leafed Dudleya |
Elymus condensatus* | Giant Wild Rye |
Elymus condensatus ‘Canyon Prince’ | Giant Wild Rye |
Elymus glauca* | Blue Wild Rye |
Encelia californica* | California Bush Sunflower |
Epilobium canum v. canum* | California Fuschia |
Epipactis gigantea* | Stream Orchid |
Eriodictyon crassifolium* | Thickleaf Yerba Santa |
Eriogonum elongatum* | Wand Buckwheat |
Eriogonum fasciculatum | California Buckwheat |
Eriogonum fasciculatum v. foliolosum* | Flat-topped Buckwheat |
Eriophyllum confertiflorum* | Golden Yarrow |
Erysimum capitatum* | Western Wallflower |
Erythranthe cardinalis* | Scarlet Monkeyflower |
Erythranthe guttata* | Seep Monkeyflower |
Frangula californica* | Coffe Berry |
Frangula californica ‘Mound St. Bruno’ | Coffee Berry ‘Mound St. Bruno’ |
Gallium porrigens* | Nuttal’s Bedstraw |
Gambelia speciosa ‘Firecracker’ | Island Snapdragon |
Hazardia squarrosa v. grindelioides* | Saw-toothed Goldenbush |
Helenium puberulum* | Sneezeweed |
Helianthus gracilentus* | Slender Sunflower |
Hesperoyucca whipplei* | Our Lord’s Candle |
Heteromeles arbutifolia* | Toyon |
Heuchera maxima | Island Alumroot |
Hoita macrostachya* | Leather Root |
Isocoma menziesii* | Menzie’s Goldenbush |
Juglans californica* | Southern California Black Walnut |
Juncus textilis* | Basket Rush |
Juncus xiphioides* | Irisleaf Rush |
Keckiella antirrhinoides | Yellow Bush Pentstemon |
Keckiella cordifolia* | Heart-shaped Pentstemmon |
Lepechinia fragrans* | Fragrant Pitcher Sage |
Lillium humboldtii v. ocellatum* | Spotted Hunboldt Lily |
Lonicera supspicata v. denudata* | Chaparral Honeysuckle |
Lupinus formosus* | Summer Lupine |
Malacothamnus fasciulatus ‘Casitas’ | Chaparral Bush Mallow |
Malacothrix saxatilis* | Cliff Aster |
Malosma laurina* | Laurel Sumac |
Marah macrocarpa* | Wild Cucumber |
Melica imperfecta* | Onion Grass |
Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia* | California Four O’Clock |
Muilla maritima* | Sea Muilla |
Opunita littoralis* | Coast Prickly Pear |
Pellaea andromedifolia* | Coffee Fern |
Pentsemmon centranthifolius* | Scarlet Bugler |
Pentstemon heterophyllus* | Foothill Penstemon |
Pentstemmon heterophyllus ‘BOP’ | Foothill Pentsemon |
Penstemon x. parishii* | Penstemon hybrid |
Pentsemmon spectabilis* | Royal Pentstemon |
Phacelia ramosissima* | Branching Phacelia |
Platanus racemosa* | California Sycamore |
Polypodium californicum* | California Polypody |
Populus fremontii* | Fremont Cottonwood |
Prunus ilicifolia* | Holly-leaf Cherry |
Pseudognaphalium bicolor bioletti* | Bioletti’s Cudweed |
Pseudognaphalium californicum* | California Cudweed |
Pseudognaphalium microcephalum* | Wright’s Cudweed |
Quercus agrifolia* | Coast Live Oak |
Quercus berberidifolia* | Scrub Oak |
Ranunculus californicus* | California Buttercup |
Rhamnus crocea* | Spiny Redberry |
Rhamnus ilicifolia* | Holly Leaf Redberry |
Rhus aromatica* | Basket Bush, Skunk Bush |
Rhus integrifolia* | Lemonade Berry |
Rhus ovata* | Sugar Bush |
Ribes aureum v. gracillimum* | Golden Currant |
Ribes amarum | Bitter Gooseberry |
Ribes malvaceum | Chaparral Current |
Ribes malvaceum var. viridifolium* | Chaparral Current |
Ribes speciosum* | Fuschia-Flowering Gooseberry |
Ribes viburnifolium | Catalina Current |
Rosa californica* | California Wildrose |
Rubus ursinus* | California Blackberry |
Salix gooddingii* | Goodding’s Black Willow |
Salix lasiolepis* | Arroyo Willow |
Salvia apiana* | White Sage |
Salvia clevelandii Allen Chickering’ | Allen Chickering Sage |
Saliva leucophylla ‘Bee’s Bliss’ | Bee’s Bliss Sage |
Salvia leucophylla | Purple Sage |
Salvia mellifera* | Black Sage |
Salvia mellifera ‘Terra Seca’ | Black Sage |
Saliva spathacea* | Hummingbird Sage |
Salvia spathacea ‘Pilitas’ | Hummingbird Sage |
Salvia spathacea ‘Topanga’ | Hummingbird Sage |
Sambucus nigra ssp. Caerula* | California Elderberry |
Scrophularia californica* | Bee Plant |
Silene laciniata* | Indian Pink |
Solanum douglasii* | Douglas’ White Nightshade |
Solanum xanti* | Purple Nightshade |
Solanum xanti ‘Mountain Pride’ | Purple Nightshade ‘Mountain Pride’ |
Stachy bullata* | Hedge Nettle |
Stipa cernua* | Nodding Needlegrass |
Stipa coronata* | Giant Needlegrass |
Stipa lepida* | Foothill Needlegrass |
Stipa pulcra* | Purple Needlegrass |
Symphoricarpos mollis* | Snow Berry |
Sisyrinchium bellum* | Blue-Eyed Grass |
Thalictrum fendleri* | Meadow Rue |
Trichostema lanatum* | Wooly Blue Curls |
Toxicodendron diversilobum* | Poison Oak |
Umbelluaria californica* | California Bay Laurel |
Venegasia carpesioides* | Canyon Sunflower |
Verbena lasiostachys* | Western Vervain |
Vitis girdiana | Desert Wild Grape |
Woodwardia fimbriata* | Giant Chain Fern |
Acmispon americanus* | Bird’s Foot Trefoil |
Calandrinia ciliata* | Red Maids |
Clarkia bottae* | Bottae’s Clarkia |
Claytonia perfoliata* | Miners’ Lettuce |
Collinsia heterophylla* | Chinese Houses |
Deinandra fasciulata* | Clustered Tarweed |
Eschscholzia caespitosa* | Tufted Poppy |
Eschscholzia californica* | California Poppy |
Gilia capitatum* | Globe Gilia |
Helianthus annuus* | Sunflower |
Layia platyglossa* | Tidy Tips |
Lupinus bicolor* | Miniature Lupine |
Lupinus succulentus* | Arroyo Lupine |
Lupinus truncatus* | Collared Annual Lupine |
Nemophila menzesii* | Baby Blue Eyes |
Phacelia cicutaria* | Caterpillar Phacelia |
Phacelia distans* | Common Phacelia |
Phacelia minor* | California Blue Bells |
Pholistoma auritum* | Fiesta Flower |
Plantago erecta* | Dwarf Plantain |
Salvia columbariae* | Chia |
Potted | |
Abutilon palmeri | Indian Mallow |
Fouquiera splendens | Ocotillo |
Dudleya densiflora | San Gabriel Mountains Dudleya |
Dudleya pulverulenta | Chalk Dudleya |
Dudleya traskiae | Santa Barbara Island Liveforever |
Sedum spathulifolium | Yellow Stonecrop |
* Listed as growing/having grown within study area: VASCULAR FLORA OF THE VERDUGO MOUNTAINS AND SAN RAFAEL HILLS,
Valerie L. Soza, LeRoy Gross, Steve Boyd, and Naomi Fraga